Given the strong complexity of the earth, marine and aquatic environment a great variety of parameters have to be analyzed within the framework of environmental impact studies. Océanide Inc. possesses expertise and necessary experience to answer questions raised by this kind of project, mainly regarding marine structure constructed in estuarine, coastal or oceanic environment. At the time of the design of harbour structures we are able to measure and analyze the principal hydrological, hydrodynamic and sedimentological processes including several issues that result from them.

Physical and numerical modeling are some of the tools that Océanide and its employees utilize in the realization of impact studies or in order to provide information systems to its customers.

There are two categories of numerical models: mechanistic and simulation. In mechanistic models, the geometry is defined in an unrefined way and no superfluous term is included in the equations of the model. With this type of model, one can for example study the importance of non-linear terms or topography on circulation. With the simulation models one will try to reproduce the exact nature of the phenomenon by introducing the exact geometry of the domain and including all the relevant terms. Afterward, the results of the model will be compared with observations to confirm our hypotheses and refine our models.

The simulation models produce an enormous quantity of results and it can seem difficult to estimate the most significant dynamic effects. A considerable effort must be made to analyze and understand the results of these models. The simulation models allow a comparison with the nature while mechanistic models, which are the base of the simulation models, lead to an understanding of the dynamics of the real world. These tools can be adapted to a broad range of applications of which some are mentioned hereafter.

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