Development of an autonomous oceanographic buoy


Period of execution: May 1976 to June 1983

Customer's name: INRS-Oceanology, J.L.Électron and Océanide Inc.



The study's principal objective was to develop an autonomous oceanographic buoy being able to transmit the waves' height and period, the velocity and direction of currents and the water column's main physicochemical parameters; also included are the wind speed and direction as well as main atmospheric parameters intended for ocean-atmosphere exchange studies.

Principal activities carried out:

Dr. Gagnon was responsible for the INRS-Oceanology's initial project. Thereafter, the project was retrieved by the private sector (J.L. Électron Lté) which obtained a subvention in 1984 in order to improve and market the product. A portion of the equipment is currently marketed by the company SOCOMAR Inc. Océanide Inc is the holder of the intellectual ownership rights of the buoy.Reports, Presentations, Publications: Gagnon, M., J. Landry, R. Noël et C. Marche, 1983. Le projet BOA II. Second DCP Workshop Proceding. Hydrology Special Interest Group Of CMOS. juin 1983 8pp.  Gagnon, M., J. Landry, R. Noël, C. Marche, 1982. Le projet BOA II. 16 ième Congrès annuel du C.M.O.S. Ottawa, mai 1982. Gagnon, M., 1982. Nous pouvons vous construire une bouée adaptée à vos besoins.‑ You can have your own buoy system. J.L. Electron Ltée, march 1982, 10pp.


Reports, Presentations, Publications:

Gagnon, M., 1981. Mesures météorologiques à partir d'une plate‑forme de forage. J.L. Électron Ltée. feb. 1981, 10pp. 

Gagnon, M., 1981.Mesures océanographiques à partir d'une bouée de type Spar. J.L. Électron Ltée, fev. 1981, 14pp.

Koutitonsky, V.G., M. Gagnon, J. Landry, C. Marche, R. Noël et G. Drapeau, 1978.Progress in the BOA Spar Buoy. International Congress on Long Waves, Ottawa, juin 1978. 

Gagnon, M., J. Landry, V. Koutitonsky, C. Marche et R. Noël, 1978. Le projet BOA. Symposium sur l'océanographie de l'estuaire du Saint‑Laurent, avril 1978. 

Gagnon, M., J. Landry, V. Koutitonsky, G. Drapeau, R. Noël, 1978.Le projet BOA. Unpublished Report. INRS‑Océanologie, jan. 1978, 62pp.


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