3D modeling of Lac Saint-Pierre's hydraulic behaviour in the presence of an ice cover and analysis of scenarios leading to a better evacuation of the ice in the navigation channel
Period of execution: December 1996 to July 1997
Customer's name: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada Coast Guard section, in partnership with the National Research Council of Canada
A 3D model with finite elements technology allowed us to simulate the lac Saint-Pierre's current mode in the presence of ice blocks of variable size. The study of scenarios, corresponding to different hydrological conditions, make it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the widening navigation channel on a small area (60m x 5 km) to support a better evacuation of ice and to prevent ice jam. A CNRC model with the discrete elements method uses the results of the hydrodynamic model to simulate the process of ice evacuation.
Principal activities carried out:
Reports, Presentations, Publications:
Gagnon, M. and B. Morse, 1996. Modélisation
mathématique de l'influence des conditions hydrauliques réelles
sur l'évacuation des glaces dans le lac Saint-Pierre. Coastal Zone Canada
96. Rimouski, august 1996.
Gagnon, M., 1996. Modélisation 3D du comportement hydraulique
du lac Saint-Pierre en présence d'un couvert de glace et analyse de scénarios
conduisant à une meilleure évacuation des glaces dans le chenal
de navigation. Océanide Inc. Septembre 1996. 113pp.
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